Manufacturing Systems

Job Management
Rely on a system, relax at night.
Enter new production jobs via an automated connector or with a simple to use form. Have immediate insight into lead time and available capacity. Capture job details so that operators and supervisors have all of the information they need to get their job done.
Job Schedules
Single-screen production planning
View your entire production schedule on one screen. Quickly and easily adjust the schedule for high priority jobs. Share personalised work lists with operators and supervisors.

Dashboards & Reports
Understand production performance
InfoSpark's highly flexible and tailorable business management platform allows you to have continuously updated reports showing you how your production plan is tracking.
All dashboards can be custom created based on your unique requirements and preferences.
End-to-End Tracking
Tailored to your own process
Your complex production process can be seamlessly supported within the platform, enabling each step to be tracked and measured. From design, to materials ordering, to manufacture, delivery and invoicing.