Continuous Improvement
Idea Triage
No good idea left behind
Assess each and every improvement suggestion. Ensure that all ideas are correctly categorised and prioritised based on your own organisational framework. Flexible approval paths based on category and cost.
Project Planning
Easy to use and collaborative
Set up your projects, easily see what upcoming tasks need to be started, quickly allow for delays in the schedule - all with automatically updated reports and dashboards for various stakeholders to be kept up to date.
Streamline work processes
Intuitive and flexible workflow automation lets you send notifications automatically when schedules change, or work is assigned to somebody. You are in full control of who gets told what and when.
Step it up a notch by having your system automatically update reports when bills are entered into your accounting system.
Dashboards & Reports
Executive-ready progress communication
Portfolio level dashboards to immediately understand which projects are on-track and which need closer attention. Project level dashboards to get more detail about how an individual project is going.
Flexible reporting of your programme's activity broken down by each strategic pillar and business unit.